
Schedule and results may be found here.

Schedule and results may be found here.

Schedule and results can be found here.

Find Schedule and game results here.

Athletic Department Contact Information
Director of Athletics
c/o Alisha Roberts
475 School Street, SW
Washington, DC 20024
Phone: 202.388.1011
Fax: 202.388.5197
Cell: 240.432.0932
Email: aroberts@richardwrightpcs.org
Assistant Athletic Director
c/o Milton Harris
475 School Street, SW
Washington, DC 20024
Phone: 202.388.1011
Fax: 202.388.5197
Cell: 202.394.0214
Email: m.harris@richardwrightpcs.org
Athletic Mission and Handbook
Athletic Mission Statement
The mission of the Richard Wright Public Charter Schools’ Athletic Department, in concert with academics, is to ensure and enhance the school culture for students at RWPCS, by providing competitive activities. These activities will help to produce young men and women able to enter the community and become constructive, contributing members of society with valuable life-long skills and the ability to work with others.
In support of our mission, please find the RWPCS Student-Athlete Handbook here.
Athletic Permission and Mandated Forms
Student Athlete Responsibilities Prior to Participation
The following must be handed it to the Front Desk:
Once all paperwork has been submitted the student-athlete will be cleared for participation.

Clubs & Extracurricular

Creativity unleashed with further exploration in the art experience stimulating curiosity and meaningful connection to self, others, and the world.

RW Debate Club provides students the opportunity to discuss important current and historical issues with peers in a safe and controlled setting. The club introduces students to various formats of debate and gives students an opportunity to practice debating relevant issues to work on important public speaking and critical thinking skills necessary in life.

Novice, intermediate, or advanced... guitarists of all levels are welcome to learn and develop with continuous opportunities to perform.

A longtime partnership with the Library of Congress since 2014 provides Book Club members an opportunity to visit the Library of Congress on a regular basis to read and write reviews of new teen novel releases which may be published on the LOC website, as well as partake in notable author visits 2-3x/year.

The Wright Now News (WNN) newscast team is on the scene on or off campus reporting on school, city, national, and world news. This student-produced newscast provides real-world experience in broadcast journalism as producers, writers, editors, reporters, anchors, videographers, and so much more, often meeting and connecting with notable professionals in every field imaginable.
This club gives students who are aspiring fashion icons, designers, models, and cosmetologists hands-on experience with their craft by practicing as well as showcasing their talents.
Step fosters an active interest, appreciation, and connection to the historical African-American art of stepping.

SGA is responsible for governing student interests, sharing ideas, interests, and concerns with teachers and school leaders, and serving students by hosting activities and events that enhance student life, helping raise funds for school-wide activities, including social events, community projects, and helping people in need.

As was part of the school’s mission to foster leadership and service in our students, the Ambassadors Club is the premiere school organization in which its members serve as model representation for the school community both in and out of school. The phrase “Richard Wright Ready” describes students who regularly and consistently display the exemplary qualities expected of a Richard Wright PCS student.

Students explore and utilize photography graphic design and creative skills to capture school memories in the yearbook.

A Service and Leadership Club dedicated to community service activities, leadership training, sponsored field trips, and exchange programs.

The RWPCS Dance Team is for students who are absolutely in love with dance. Members of the Dance Team have the opportunity to perform for school programs and a number of special events throughout the school year. The Dance Team challenges students' physical fitness and their ability to learn multiple styles of choreography. Students who are passionate about dance and growing artistically will thrive on the Dance Team.

The award-winning Richard Wright Ensemble is composed of students in every grade level and perform for all school-wide assemblies and several outside organizations and events.

The Richard Wright Instrumental Ensemble is a combination of the Richard Wright Guitar Club and Brass Band including keyboards and percussion with opportunities to perform at a variety of events in and out of the school.

A dynamic and engaging club that offers support encouragement and feedback to aspiring writers and poets.